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Victor Serge believes





Victor Serge believes

Midfielder: Belgium is not the failure of Adjara into the Top 8 will decide the game
Beijing time on July 1 news, the European FIFA 14 Coins Red Devils will face Belgian team tomorrow morning the U.S. team in the World Cup knockout round, midfielder Victor Serge think that if the United States lost that Belgium's World Cup tour is a failure. Belgium will play against the U.S. team in the first round of the playoffs, the array three generals Vermaelen, van der Canterbury and Kompany are injured, while Devils will be suspended because of a red card.

Victor Serge believes that the Belgian team's goal is at least reached the quarterfinals, losing to the United States if it would be a disaster. Victor Serge said: "I ??think it's very clear that if we can not reached the quarter-finals, the World Cup is a failure of the trip because we have a strong team, great players, we have the ability to quarter-finals. If not, then I will be very Cheap FIFA 14 Coins disappointed. "Frontal Azar general overall performance in the group stage, he also criticized. Wurtzell think Azar will play a real level in the knockout, he said: "We have great confidence in Adjara, everyone knows his ability, I'm sure we will see a good A in the knockout Zal, he will decide the game. "

"Klinsmann's team is a strong team, imagine this will be a tough game, both mentally and physically and I think the outcome of the game is determined by the control of the midfield, who controls the midfield controlled the game, we do have a lot of good players and we will do our best to fight for the quarterfinals. "Werther Sale finally said. Van Gaal substitutions God help the Red Devils will Buy FIFA 14 Coins be reversed in the Netherlands than the Netherlands laugh Gengshuang
The player is said to dominate the playing field, but a good coach, but you can formations, command and control, affect the process of the game, and even the outcome of the game around. "Do not want to marshal the troops, not a good soldier," dare not admit their role in the great coach, not a good coach, especially in the Netherlands, Van Gaal's substitutions game against Mexico, we will be able to know the importance of a coach . FIFA 14 Coins http://www.fifa1314.com



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